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2024/25 cricket season ... are you in?

With Palmwoods Cricket Club joining Division 1 in 2024/25, our planning starts now! Whether it's going around again, or joining as a new player, we'd love to know your intentions for the season ahead.

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    2024/25 cricket season registrations open

    Registrations are now open for the 2024/25 season.

    Register your interest to play in the upcoming season here, or click the button at the bottom of the page.

    There have been a number of changes to the process, due to the change in system for all Queensland Cricket clubs, to PlayHQ.

    What’s new?

    You will need a PlayHQ account. You may already have an account due to sign-ons for other sports that use the same platform. Otherwise you can create a PlayHQ account as part of the registration process.

    Your Cricket ID is required during the registration process, which should be your email that you used for MyCricket, or general Cricket Australia services (eg. purchasing tickets). This is to allow linking of historical data and stats from the MyCricket app.

    The registration process now includes a mandatory payment for insurance, known as the National Registration Fee. This change affects all Queensland Cricket clubs, and was previously paid on your behalf by the club. It is now seen as a separate fee.

    Your child’s QLD PlayFair voucher can be used to help pay for the Junior season fees.

    The fees for the 2024/25 season are:

    Category Fee
    National Registration Fee 18+ (Insurance) $22.50
    National Registration Fee Under 18 (Insurance) $16.00
    Senior Mens Player (18+) Season $499.00
    Junior (Under 18) Playing Mens Senior Season $388.00
    Junior Season $225.00 (QLD PlayFair voucher available)
    Ladies Season TBC

    Payment plans can be arranged directly with the club after registration – a minimum payment of $50.00 + National Registration Fee is required at the time of registration.

    Once complete, please contact to arrange a payment plan if required.

    Please see the individual menu links for Mens, Ladies, and Juniors for more specific information about the competitions on offer.

    Is there a child or member protection policy in place?


    Palmwoods Cricket Club is committed to ensuring that every person involved in cricket is treated with respect and dignity, is safe and protected from abuse and that the environment is a consistent and nurturing one for all players and volunteers.  We seek to prevent all forms of harassment, discrimination and abuse and promote positive values and behaviours. Cricket should not tolerate inappropriate or unlawful behaviour.

    A copy of the policies in place can be downloaded below.

    Child Safety Policy

    Code of Behaviour

    For any further information about our protection and behaviour policies, please contact Tara Gundry (Member Protection Information Officer) at

    We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024/25 season!

    For any other information on how to register or sign up for PlayHQ, please email

    Register to play with Palmwoods Cricket Club today!

    Register to play with Palmwoods Cricket Club today!

    Palmwoods Cricket Club
    Palmwoods Cricket Club